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Privacy Policy (GDPR Compliance)

No Data Collection

This website does not collect, process, or store personal data. We do not use cookies, analytics, tracking, or any third-party integrations that process user information.

Communication via Email Only

If you choose to contact us via email, your message and any information you provide will be used exclusively to respond to your inquiry and will not be stored beyond what is necessary for correspondence.

Your Rights Under GDPR

Since we do not process or store personal data through this website, there is no data to access, modify, or delete. However, if you have concerns about email correspondence, you may contact us at info@segertinsights.com.

This website does not use Google Analytics, Facebook Pixels, tracking tools, embedded content, or third-party advertising. If this site contains links to external websites, we are not responsible for their privacy policies.


For legal or privacy inquiries: Nicole Segert Insights Max Planck Str 3 12489 Berlin info@segertinsights.com